So I was pretty much MIA for blogging last month. Even though I had a lot going on it was just hard to find a moment to get all of my pictures together...there are some on my camera and mom's and getting both of us to upload our pictures and doing it on two different computers is a lot of effort! Ha! So now that I am not being lazy...Here is an out line of what happened in April, I will then be posting on each topic! I am having an English 101 flashback!!
A.) Mom, Mimi, Mima, and I went a made the final decision on Bridesmaid dresses!!
B.) Mimi had her Senior Prom!
C.) Lauren and Trip's Engagement Party
D.) My handsom Fiance turned 29!
E.) Easter
F.) I got confirmed in the Catholic Church

G.) Horrible Tornados throughout Alabama
H.) Royal Wedding!!
I.) Brother turned 23!
J.) I got a job in KC!!
And I can't end a post with out a picture of this pretty girl!

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