Five on Friday

Friday, September 6, 2013

One: Pumpkin Spice Latte

I am sooooo happy these are back!! Now I just need the temperature to drop a little and I will be in Fall Heaven!!

Two: Bump Friendly/Cute Game Day Outfit

Right now I think I can get away with some things I have. But I wanted to have a cute outfit for the LSU game. I need a dress/tunic with some kind of sleeve that I can wear with leggings...oh and is a cotton/stretchy material. I'm not asking for much!!! This is Bama baby...we get gussied up for games! 

Three: Landscaping

Our front yard looks just plain sad! We have been living in a concrete loft for the past few years and have no idea where to start!! My landscaping plan: A) Bribe my uncle to come over and teach us a few things B) Hire a lawn guy to maintain! 

Four: Ultrasound

Wednesday I got to have a long ultrasound (Finally!!), before they have just had me in there for like 3 minutes!! I'm like "That's my baby and I should be able to sit here with your machines and look at it!!" So I finally got a long one and it was awesome!! We got to hear the heart beat and they gave me videos to take home!! I seriously watch it 500 times a day!

Five: Pilot Suit

My mother-in-law got the baby his/her first flight suit!! Can't wait for Kris to take the baby up and he/she can wear it!! 


  1. YAYYYY! for pumpkin spice lattes!! I've had way too many this week, but who is counting?! ;)

    And that pilot suit ---- ahhhhhh, I melt!!! So sweet! Jackson is actually going to be a fighter pilot this year for Halloween!

    1. I love that pilot suit!! My husband is a pilot and I can't wait to take a picture of them together!!

  2. That's awesome that they gave you videos to take home. I've never heard of that but perhaps it's not done here in Canada? or maybe it is...haha!

    Have a great weekend!

    1. I have watched the videos about 100 times a day!! I just called my doctors office and asked if I could pay to have an ultrasound done at that appointment (just because I wanted to see the baby). I didn't know they would do the dvd!! I know there are ultrasound/imaging centers here that do all of that too.

  3. Yay for pumpkin spice coming back! And that costume, so precious! Congratulations!
