Maternity Monday - Health & Safty

Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Monday!! I am going to start doing my registry posts on Monday because..well it rhymes with Maternity :)

Health & Safty

 The Diaper Genie - There are so many new stylish ones out there! We had a Genie when the twins were little and it was awesome! After reading some reviews it looks like it is still the best when it comes to odor control!! I know people complain about the price of the refills, but to me it is worth it to spend a little more in order to not want to vomit every time I throw away a dirty diaper!!

Aveeno Baby - I love the Aveeno products I use for myself, so that is why I am going to use it for George. I also have some friends who use the baby products too!

HoMedics Humidifier - Having a humidifier is something I am still up in the air about. It seems everyone registers for them, but I am still trying to figure out if it is a necessity. I also think it is one of those products where every child is we may or may not need one.

Braun ThermoScan Electronic Ear Thermometer - The cost on this thermometer is a little high, but it seems to be really reliable and won't give out as soon as others seem to. Also, lots of hospitals use this one!

Motorola Digital Monitor - This one wasn't too hard for us to figure out. We have lots of friends who highly recommended it. I like that the camera can pan the room! This was a product that Kris researched...I trust him when it comes to electronics!

1 comment:

  1. The humidifier...was a life saver this week. Mr. Will got croup, and the doctor said that was the best thing for him, and if we had not been using it, it would have been a lot worse. So I can now vouch for it for sure. Also, that ear themometer is AWESOME. Will even likes to check his own temperature (and ours too) with it! I tried the forehead scan, and I never could get it to work right. The ear one is certainly the way to go!
