Dad and Gayle's Visit

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Back in June my dad and stepmom, Gayle, came to visit. Unfortunately I didn't get that many pictures :( but I did get a few! We had such a great time! They got in town on a Thursday night, so we went over to Beer Kitchen to eat...I love that place!

On Friday Kris had to do work in the hospital, so the parents and I headed to the plaza to do some birthday shopping for me! That night we went and ate some great German/Austrian food, then came back to our place for a drink!

Saturday we headed over to Union Station to check out the Titanic exhibit, which was really cool! Afterwards we headed down to the farmer's market and stopped in Cellar Lofts so the boys could look around at all the Scotch! Dad even found a bottle with his name on it!

Saturday night we went to Pierponts for some good steaks!

After dinner we went over to The Majestic for drinks and to listen to some Jazz!

We definitely ended the trip with a bang! We had such a great time with them!! I can't wait for them to come back!!!

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