Fall 2012 Bucket List
- Bake at least 3 new recipes with pumpkin
- Make new soup recipes
- Eat at one new restaurant a month
- Take an entertainment class
- Learn to make homemade apple cider
- Find GOOD quick, easy, and healthy meals for the weekday
- Not drink during the week (unless special occasions!)
- Run a 5k
- Do Pilates every week
- Get back to wedding weight
- Go to a pumpkin patch
- Go Camping
- Visit the Omaha Zoo
- Alabama football game
- Visit my sister in Richmond!
Around the House:
- Reorganize my closet
- Donate unwanted clothes
- Pack up all summer clothes
- Get pictures reframed
- Print wedding pictures
- Clean out and organize pantry (Below is what it should look like when finish...HA!)
So we will see how this goes! I have some of the items already planned out! So we will regroup at the end of the season to see what was accomplished!
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