Sadie's ER Visit

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Last Sunday was a beautiful day so Sadie and I decided to go to the park.

This was my view as we walked. Sadie was on the hunt for squirrels, which means anytime a leaf moved too fast she would try to attack!

But we did manage to do some duck watching. Sadie could have sat like this for hours!

We tried to make our visit educational. So we visited some historical sites....

We also strolled through the beautiful gardens...

After our long walk we decided to lounge in the grass...

Now it is here that I believe Sadie must have gotten bitten/stung by something, because with in 45 minutes she looked like this...
 and these are with her eyes open!!!
According to the ER doctors she had an allergy attack to something...and we still aren't sure what it was. The swelling was pretty much gone the next day thanks to the 2 shots she got and Kris rubbing her face. But you could just tell that she still felt awful :(

So now I am paranoid and walking around with a baggy filled with Benadryl just incase! Sadie is doing fine, but I am still recovering from my hysterical freakout! My medicine is a bag of Candy Corn M&Ms...yes they do exist!


1 comment:

  1. This just happened to my friend's dogs. That's so crazy. They showed us pics of them(they're 6-month old labs) and their faces were swollen like Sadie's! They too had an allergic reaction to something unknown! Glad she's ok! :)
