
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

So at the end of June I got to go on a great last minute trip to London with my family. Sadly I had to leave Kris at home...but I had a great time!! Here is the photo dump of the trip!

We started the trip off right by having tea and macarons!!

That night we headed to a little Italian place that had the best pasta!!!

The hotel we stayed at was The Montague....great place and location!!!

The next day we headed out for the double decker tour bus!

We stopped for lunch before getting on the London Eye. This place had great fish and chips!!!

London Eye!!

 Mimi decided she wanted to get her hair cut in mom and I embarrassed watched her from the window and took pictures :)

Next day we headed to the Tower of London. It was really cool to see all the crown jewels and be around so much history!

This is where the crown jewels live!!!!!

That afternoon we headed to a market area and the had this awesome Paella stand. It was sooooo good!!

The next day we saw Buckingham Palace.

We also went walking through Hyde Park. It was so beautiful there!

Hyde Park has this tree that everyone was climbing!

Mimi even tried :)

This was such a wonderful trip! I LOVE London and can't wait to go back!!!!

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