How Far Along: 25 Weeks! Picture was taking while making Cinnamon Rolls Saturday...that is why I look so beautiful :)
Size of Baby: Size of a Cauliflower!
Maternity Clothes: Yep!
Gender: BOY!
Name: George
Movement: Oh yes! He has even woken me up in the middle of the night!!
Sleep: I had one great night where I slept through the entire night!! I didn't have to get up to pee or anything!!
Cravings: Still sugar...trying to find healthy alternatives for it!! But I think I could eat a cake everyday!
What I Miss: Being able to zip up a coat :/
Symptoms: Had some carpal tunnel pain this week. I can also tell my hip joints are a little looser...kind of awkward!
Best moment this week: George's bedding and draps came in so I started putting that up!!
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